Leadership Seminar
Seminars based on discussions of classical and contemporary philosophical texts are one of the main activities of the Aspen Institute of Kyiv. Aspen Institute Kyiv seminars gather leaders representing different social groups, different professions, different regions or countries.
The Leadership Seminar "Responsible Leadership" is held in Ukraine since 2008. We developed and regularly holds workshops for young leaders "Values and Society" and international seminar "Values and Leadership in the 21st Century" since the establishment of the Aspen Institute Kyiv.
Responsible Leadership
The workshop brings together experienced executives and opinion leaders for roundtables. The group consists of 23-24 participants coming from different regions of Ukraine. Representatives of business, media, public service, politics, culture, science, art, NGOs, etc., take part in the event, which during the week are plunged into thematic discussions, which are subject to common rules and use elements of the Socratic method of dialogue.
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Values and Society
Семінари для покоління молодих українських лідерів (27-35 років) з метою їх залучення до значущого діалогу щодо людської природи, свободи, власності, проблем рівності, розвитку спільнот, справедливості та тенденцій, які формують наше майбутнє.
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