In accordance to their long-term goals, Aspen Institute Kyiv develops program areas to support the leaders of those sectors of society that are key to the country's sustainable and forward-thinking development. The program areas include: open forums, themed seminars, publications, workshops and other activities depending on needs.
Dialogues about Charity
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Бізнес та суспільство
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Людина, сімʼя і суспільство
Повномасштабна війна, демографічні, соціальні та економічні загрози, тимчасове вимушене переселення призводить до значної трансформації поняття сімʼї та родинних звʼязків. Заради сталого розвитку країна має адаптуватися до нових реалій, вирішувати виклики і будувати власне майбутнє.
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Good Governance
Цей програмний напрям має на меті формування діалогової платформи по обговоренню суспільних проблем, неузгодженостей чинної державної політики, глобальних викликів та ймовірних загроз, на які має реагувати держава та формулювати курс щодо їх подолання.
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Leadership Seminars
Seminars based on the classic and modern texts is one of the main activities of the Aspen Institute Kyiv. Aspen Institute Seminars gather leaders from different social groups, different professions, different regions or countries at a roundtable.
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Aspen Kyiv Society of Fellows Program
Creation of an active and growing community of participants of seminars and programs of Aspen Institute Kyiv is one of our most important achievements.
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National Identity
An objective and impartial dialogue between leaders should help to identify the values of national identity. Within the program "National Identity" there are seminars, round tables, conversations and other events.
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The Cybersecurity Dialogue
The USAID Cyber Security for Critical Infrastructure Activity launches the Cybersecurity Dialogue Program in partnership with Aspen Institute Kyiv. During 2022–2024, 10 stakeholders dialogues will be held to discuss and find better solutions in the Сybersecurity field to build and improve Ukraine's cyber resilience. The Cybersecurity Dialogue Program aims to cover different topics, including the current challenges, the current situation in cyberspace, and the risks that have arisen with the full-scale Russian invasion of physical and cyberspace.
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Ideas Festival
The Ideas Festival is an open forum for leaders, a place for in-depth study of ideas and problems, a place to shape ideas and thoughts on a decent and happy life of a person in a rapidly developing world.
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Moderator program
Expanding the Aspen Institute Kyiv activities requires experienced and competent moderators to carry out activities of varying length and format. The purpose of the School of Moderators of Aspen Institute Kyiv is developing the competencies of the Institute and conducting the Aspen Institute Kyiv activities.
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Socrates seminar
Aspen Institute Kyiv jointly with Socrates Program of the Aspen Institute (USA) introduced Socrates Seminars to Ukraine. Socrates Seminars provide a forum for emerging leaders from various professions to convene and explore contemporary issues through expert-moderated dialogue.
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