
24 graduates of the second Business and Society seminar joined the Aspen community

24 випускники другого семінару “Бізнес та суспільство” вступили до Аспен-спільноти.

18 грудня відбулася урочиста церемонія з нагоди завершення семінару. З вітальним словом виступила голова Наглядової ради Аспен Інституту Київ Наталія Яресько, а також члени Наглядової ради Аспен Інституту Київ Анатолій Клепацький та Сергій Роголь

24 graduates of the second Business and Society Seminar joined the Aspen community.

On December 18, a solemn ceremony was held to mark the end of the seminar. Natalie Jaresko, Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of The Aspen Institute of Kyiv, and Anatoliy Klepatsky and Serhiy Rogol, members of the Supervisory Board of The The Aspen Institute Kyiv, made welcoming speeches.

During the meeting, the Executive Director of Еhe Aspen Institute Kyiv Yulia Tychkivska presented to the new participants the history of the Aspen сommunity in the world and Ukraine, the essence of the Aspen idea and the formats of membership in the Community.

The seminar took place on October 28 – December 5 and covered four thematic modules, during which participants took part in moderated dialogues with elements of the Socratic method –  reading and discussing works by classical and modern thinkers with the intention of better understanding themselves and their mission as entrepreneurs.

In addition, participants of the two groups took part in an online meeting with leaders of the business community and public administration, who shared their experiences and professional principles:

 Andriy Dlihach  CEO of Advanter Group, co-founder of the Center for Economic Recovery and Board Business Community, owner and investor of technology startups, member of the Aspen community.

 Tymofiy Milovanov  President of Kyiv School of Economics, Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, former Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture.

– Kira Rudyk  Chairwoman of the political party “Holos”, a member of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, a former IT entrepreneur, member of the Aspen community.

 Ivan Mishchenko – judge of the Supreme Court.

 Julia Orlova  Executive Director of VIVAT Publishing House, member of the Aspen community.

We thank our moderators who helped realize the potential of free dialogue  Denis Poltavets, Serhiy Rogol and Yegor Grigorenko.

Business and Society seminar was coordinated by the Director of seminar programs of The Aspen Institute Kyiv Alina Shklyaruk.

Congratulations to our Community with new members!