
Aspen Institute’s Kyiv nomination of Natalya Yemchenko to participate in the seminar “Philosophy and Practice” by Aspen Institute Germany

In the era of global challenges and geopolitical uncertainties, a secure space for meaningful dialogue on the essence of leadership in crisis conditions is a crucial prerequisite for collaboration. 

The seminar “Philosophy and Practice,” organized by the Aspen Institute Germany, aims to empower leadership and enhance participants’ understanding of their responsibility.

Aspen Institute Kyiv nominated Natalya Yemchenko, Chief Reputation Officer at SCM, to participate in the seminar. 

Natalya shared her impressions about the event: “It is an exciting experience participating in the seminar, moderated by professors from London and New York universities. Of course, the texts for this seminar differed from what is offered at Ukrainian leadership seminars. Nel Noddings’ text about the care concept was the most impressive. Following that, the text ‘Danger of a Single Story’ by Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie also left a lasting impression on me. But the most positive impression was from the harmony of the group, its cohesion, and the potential for continued collaboration.

Carol Gluck (Columbia University, USA) and Ruth Girardet (Milton Keynes, United Kingdom) moderated the seminar.

We thank our colleagues for this wonderful event that enriched the participants with new experiences and ideas!