Aspen Institute Kyiv held a meeting on relations between Ukraine and the People’s Republic of China during the Russian-Ukrainian war

Aspen Institute Kyiv continues to involve Aspen Community members in discussions on the most crucial issues of today concerning domestic and foreign Ukrainian policy. One of them is Ukrainian-Chinese relations and prospects for their development in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
On July 5, 2022, the Institute organized a meeting-conversation for the members of the Community with a Ukrainian Chinese scholar, Doctor of Philosophy, and acting director of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after A. Yu. Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies by Viktor Kiktenko. Under the moderation of Yevgen Lemberg, Chairman of the Board of the Aricol Group of Companies, the participants discussed:
- History of formation and current state of relations between Ukraine and China.
- Peculiarities of the construction of power structures, decision-making in the government of the People’s Republic of China, and the position of the country’s leadership regarding the Russian-Ukrainian war.
- Prospects for “people’s diplomacy” development to support Ukrainian interests in China.
- The Ukrainian-Chinese post-war relations development and the development of a strategy because of the peculiarities of China’s relations with the crucial political players of the world and allies of Ukraine.
- Vectors of the official Ukrainian position on complex issues of Chinese politics.
The event participants also expressed interest in an in-depth discussion of the economic aspects of this topic.