
Aspen Institute Kyiv has created a platform for the discussion on views on the perspective of Russia’s war against Ukraine through the works of modern historians

On August 17, Aspen Institute Kyiv held an online seminar on the topic: “War through the eyes of micro- and macro-historians: Timothy Snyder and Yuval Noah Harari on Ukraine, Russia and the world” for members of the Aspen community. Ukrainian leaders from various fields attended the seminar and offered their vision of the topics and issues presented in the authors’ works during the event.

In the format of a moderated dialogue, the participants discussed different methodological approaches of two well-known historians to Russia’s war against Ukraine, its prerequisites, and consequences for Europe and the world. Among the issues considered:

  • What, in addition to natural resources, could Ukraine offer the world?
  • Why the Russian war against Ukraine is colonial, and how to prevent colonial wars in the future?
  • Why do proposals for arranging the world of the future need to be researched and implemented today?

Andriy Kulakov, program coordinator of the Aspen Institute Kyiv Community Program, and Denis Poltavets, director of program development at the Aspen Institute Kyiv, moderated the event.