
Receiving Applications for a New Project for Teenagers

Opportunities for youth are calling!

Aspen Institute Kyiv and the Klitschko Foundation have started registrations for the series of dialogues «Aspen Teens: Fight for UA Dream»!

«Aspen Teens: Fight for UA Dream» is a series of moderated dialogues, during which young people aged 14 to 17 will discuss the works of famous thinkers about current topics, in particular, modernity and the future of Ukraine.

We invite young people who live in Ukraine and those who are temporarily staying abroad to participate in various dialogues 

Dialogues during the seminars will help participants:

  • To understand the situation in and around our country better.
  • To find ways to help Ukraine at present and in the future.
  • To maintain contact with Ukraine while living abroad, as well as discuss issues of adaptation to life in other countries. 
  • To get motivation for self-development, form goals for the future, to discuss challenges with other participants and moderators and to look for appropriate solutions.

Dates of the series of dialogues: March 10 – June 3.

Time: Friday evening and Saturday morning.

Conditions: participation is free, on a competitive basis.

Send applications for participation via the link: https://aspeninstitutekyiv.org/event/aspen-teens-fight-for-ua-dream/


If you have additional questions about the seminar or registration, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the project coordinator Yuliia Vityuk at yv@aspeninstitutekyiv.org