Meeting of the Aspen Institute Kyiv Supervisory Board: the Half-Year Results and Future Plans
At the regular meeting, the Members of the Supervisory Board discussed the results of the Aspen Institute’s Kyiv program activities over the past six months and plans for the future. The meeting attended almost the entire composition of the Supervisory Board and representatives of the Aspen Institute Kyiv team.
The Executive Director of the Institute, Yuliya Tychkivska, reported on the activities of the Institute from January to June 2024, in particular:
— Conducting long-term seminars: Responsible Leadership, Business and Society, and Media and Reality: Dimensions of Responsibility;
— Organizing the first Ukrainian Action Forum, which will be held annually;
— Holding the first Ideas Day in Zhytomyr — a traditional event of the Aspen Institute Kyiv and Impact Hub Odesa;
— Carrying out activities within the program areas Rethinking the Social Contract for Ukraine, The Cybersecurity Dialogue, Relief for Ukraine: Ecosystem of Support for Ukrainians, and others;
— Developing the Aspen Institute Kyiv Community.
The Supervisory Board highly appreciated the team’s work. In the first half of 2024, the Aspen Institute Kyiv conducted nearly 30 events involving more than 1300 leaders from various fields to unite Ukrainian society and strengthen communities.
We highly value all Supervisory Board members’ active involvement and willingness to share their experiences and ideas with the Institute team. This is extremely valuable for the development of the Aspen movement in Ukraine and the dissemination of the Aspen idea.
The meeting attended: Natalie Jaresko, Kateryna Zagoriy, Thomas Eymond-Laritaz, Anatole Klepatskyi, Sergii Rogol, and Andrey Stavnitser.