Aspen Institute Kyiv continues its activities
In the conditions of the military invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, Aspen Institute Kyiv continues its activities. Of course, we will only be able to implement some of the plans we had at the beginning of the year. At the same time, we are actively working on new work formats. We will inform you about them in the following messages.
We assure all those who have passed the selection for the “Business and Society” seminar: previous agreements remain in force. We will do everything possible to ensure that the event will be held immediately after Ukraine’s victory. That also applies to Responsible leadership, Values and society, and Dialogues on Charity seminars. We will contact everyone who applied for these events separately during peacetime.
The launch and holding of other programs and seminars planned for the first half of 2022 will also depend on the situation in the country. That applies to the Сybersecurity Dialogue program, Media and reality, Realms of future seminars, and dialogue sessions within the Integrity and governance project. We believe in the victory of Ukraine and hope to inform you about the updated dates of the events/changes in the format of the events shortly.
We ask everyone to continue to do everything necessary for victory.
Glory to Ukraine!
If you have any questions, mail us by e-mail address or call us by number 0680427702.