Representatives of Aspen Institutes all over the world met in New-York to discuss program activities, global challenges, and ideas

Representatives of the Aspen Institute (USA) and 14 international independent Aspen Institutes from around the world gather every autumn in New York to discuss program activities, global challenges, and ideas.
Our American colleagues presented the Aspen Institute’s Strategic Plan for 2024-2029. The Board of Trustees and the Institute’s team identified three key priorities: society’s trust, leadership, and driving generations.
The mission of the Institute has been updated. Still, it remains unchanged: “We advance changes through dialogue, leadership, and action to help address the greatest challenges of our time in building a free, just, and equitable society.”
International partners shared the activities of their Institutes from various parts of the world:
- Representatives of Aspen Institute Japan shared their experience implementing dialogue practices in educational programs for teenagers through collaboration with local authorities.
- Representatives of Aspen Institute Romania presented the opening of a branch in Moldova.
- The Aspen Initiative Africa held its first Socrates seminar in Kenya.
- Aspen Institute UK conducted a seminar for young European leaders.
- Representatives of Aspen Institute Mexico shared the experience of the PLAY project, which raises issues of discrimination against girls and women in sports, helping to break barriers and create a better life through dialogue.
Participants paid particular attention to programs addressing the challenges to democracies worldwide and programs related to artificial intelligence.
Chairperson of the Aspen Institute Kyiv Supervisory Board, Natalie Jaresko and the Executive Director, Yuliya Tychkivska, represented our Institute. Mrs. Natalie and Mrs. Yuliya shared the experience of conducting activities during the war, focusing on events in various cities in Ukraine, organizing Ideas Days in bomb shelters, a significant project on rethinking the social contract, and emphasizing the high demand for leadership seminars.
We thank our partners for substantive discussions, inspiration, and new ideas! It is precious for us to explore partners’ work in all its diversity and broaden our horizons through such meetings.