Aspen Institute Kyiv held the 25th-anniversary “Responsible Leadership” seminar: diversity of leaders' voices empowering ideas exchange
Aspen Institute Kyiv held the 25th-anniversary “Responsible Leadership” seminar on October 14-20 in the Carpathian Mountains. Representatives from business, government, media, culture, civil society, the military, athletes, and other vital sectors joined in a dialogue on human nature, power, freedom, property, equality, dignified living, justice, leadership, and the trends shaping our future through the discussion of significant philosophical texts.
Participants turned to classical and contemporary thinkers’ works during the discussions to better understand their values and leadership mission. The authors whose ideas inspired the participants were Aristotle, Charles Darwin, Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Locke, Alexis de Tocqueville, Václav Havel, and other philosophers.
Going beyond conventional perspectives and exchanging ideas through dialogue contributes to finding solutions to pressing issues and the development of society as a whole. This method allows for exploring all aspects of any problem, and the diversity of leaders’ voices enriches the exchange of ideas in responding to fundamental questions and current issues. Therefore, the team of the Institute hopes that the experience of participating in the seminar will be valuable and transformative for the participants.
Thanks to the seminar moderators, Sergii Rogol and Volodymyr Fadeieiv, for their meaningful dialogues! Alina Shklyaruk, Seminar Program Director, coordinated the seminar.
Aspen Institute Kyiv team warmly congratulates the “Responsible Leadership” group on completing the seminar!