Denis Poltavets’ interview about Good Governance Program to the Radio Ukraine International

On August 13, Director of program development at The Aspen Institute Kyiv Denis Poltavets granted an interview to Radio Ukraine International. In it, he elucidated a history of spreading of the Aspen idea in the world and Ukraine, a mission of The Aspen Institute Kyiv and its program activities.
The special accent of the interview is the Good Governance Program, which is developed by The Aspen Institute Kyiv with the grant support from Luminate and National Endowment for Democracy. The Program aims to spread knowledge about good governance principles and the best practices in this sphere by creating a dialogue platform on decentralization for national and local leaders of different public fields.
In the interview, Denis Poltavets told about the priorities of Good Governance Program, such as the support of implementation of the local government and territorial authority organization reform in Ukraine.
Within Good Governance Program, The Aspen Institute Kyiv founded the culture of dialogues with stakeholders in the field of public policy. From October 2019 till April 2020, The Aspen Institute Kyiv hold two rounds of consultations with stakeholders on two topics, such as local economic development of communities and ensuring the capacity of communities to exercise enhanced powers.
Moreover, Denis Poltavets told about outcomes of online-conference “Local business in the “corona crisis”: opportunities and support” which was organized by The Aspen Institute Kyiv within the Good Governance Program. The conference intended to help representatives of small and medium sized enterprises to get to know about government and international support programs, and to help representatives of local self-government to define ways of common actions with local business for ensuring the well-being of community residents. Among conference’s speakers were representatives of the Ukrainian Startup Fund, The Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development Office at the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine, USAID’s Competitive Economy Program, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, USAID’s DOBRE Program, Association of United Territorial Communities.
Listen to the interview by the link.
Good Governance Program is supported by a grant from Luminate and National Endowment for Democracy.