Congratulations to the participants of the seminar “Realms of the Future”

We are pleased to announce the results of the competition for participation in the seminar for teenagers “Realms of the Future”, that will take place on October 25-27 in the Kyiv region.
The seminar takes place for the second year in a row and each time we get incredibly interesting applications from all over Ukraine. This time, we received over a hundred questionnaires, of which we had to choose only 20 participants. Processing of the questionnaires, the competition jury has formed a group that is balanced by different criteria, to provide dynamic dialogue and discussion among participants during the seminar. Thank нщг to everyone who has applied for the competition – we encourage you to participate in the next seminars and other projects. The path to your future is unique and it is worth filling it with new opportunities for development and growth!
The participants of the fourth seminar “Realms of the Future” are:
- Eugene Andrusevich
- Burduzha Ksenia
- Buchkovska Darius
- Darius Garrippa
- Goncharov Alexander
- Jus Alexey
- Dombrovskaya Anastasia
- Kazakov Nazar
- Vladislav Kobets
- Cousin Roman
- Kournytska Elena
- Carolina Mulyak
- Eugene Pirizok
- Ryzhenko Nazarius
- Svirgun Arina
- Forty John
- Stelmakh Dmitry
- Vladislav Tomashov
- Cymbal Severin
- Yushchenko Anastasia
The seminar is part of the Aspen Teens Program and is supported by Klitschko Foundation.