First Seminar of the Second Season from Moderated Dialogue Series for Teenagers: “Collaboration and Motivation to Grow”. Fight for UA dream' has taken place

Collaboration in a motivated environment facilitates achieving positive results more quickly. Dialogue not only shapes a broader perspective on the situation but also engages working on specific steps that can be taken locally or globally. This is especially relevant regarding the recovery and growth of Ukraine.
On September 29-30, the first event of the second season of “Aspen Teens: Fight for UA Dream,” moderated dialogues for teenagers, took place. Young people from Ukraine and those forced to leave temporarily due to the war participated in the discussion.
During the event, participants collectively read and discussed texts by Ukrainian thinkers, including Valeriy Pekar, Yaroslav Hrytsak, Vahtang Kebuladze, and others. During the group work, moderators asked young individuals to imagine the future of Ukraine and share their thoughts.
“In the modern context, clip thinking replaces the ability to focus; sustaining attention on something for an extended period becomes increasingly challenging. The practice of dialogue encourages young people to embark on a journey in search of truth, something profound and new for themselves,” said Yulia Tychkivska, Aspen Institute’s Kyiv Executive Director.
Olha Maslova, a Ph.D. in biological sciences and science popularizer, and Volodymyr Fadieiev, the head of the department at the H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, moderated the discussion.
Please share information about the project with active young people who want to participate in discussions about the future of Ukraine. Registration for the project is currently open for young Ukrainians aged 14-17 and will continue until December 2023. You can register and read more details by following the link.
The mission of the “Aspen Teens: Fight for UA Dream” project is to create a community of teenagers where they can express their opinions, engage in discussions, find like-minded individuals, and shape their vision of Ukraine’s future. During these dialogues, young people analyze the texts of well-known thinkers and provide their assessments of the relevance of various ideas. The project is implemented in partnership with the Klitschko Foundation.