Participants of the “Business and Society” fourth seminar completed their studies with a graduation ceremony

On July 16, 2021, Aspen Institute Kyiv held a graduation ceremony for the “Business and Society” fourth online Seminar participants. Graduates received their certificates and spent time in the relaxed atmosphere of a live meeting.
Natalie Jaresko, Chairperson of the Supervisory Board of Aspen Institute Kyiv, Gennadiy Chyzhykov, Trustee of the Supervisory Board, and Yuliya Tychkivska, Executive Director of the Institute, made introductory speeches at the beginning of the certificate award ceremony.
The participants of the fourth seminar learned more about the main principles of the Aspen Institute Kyiv — dialogue as a space of understanding, leadership defined by values, and action for the common good. Also, they learned more about the Aspen idea and the Aspen Community.
Every graduate can join the Community. Community Membership allows taking an active part in the life of the Institute, attending events and meetings, and initiating their projects among the Aspen members.
Graduates of the seminar — Ukrainian entrepreneurs, owners, and CEOs, heads of Government agencies, politicians, public figures — were honoured with certificates, met with their classmates, and spent time in light and leisurely conversations with a glass of wine.
“Business and Society” Seminar is a series of activities aimed at creating a platform for dialogue between business leaders. Criteria for selection of participants:
- readiness for transformations of sustainable ideas about the nature of entrepreneurship and leadership;
- ability to invest time and effort in their development, the formation of values in the business environment;
- desire and ability to think and act progressively for a long-term in the interests of society.
The Seminar had four thematic blocks: “Homo economicus: in search of self”, “Business and Power”, “Justice, Ethics, and Morality in business”, “Leadership and values in modern times”. Participants took part in moderated dialogues with the Socratic method elements.
During two months of the seminar, participants exchanged their views and experience to better understand themselves and their entrepreneurs’ mission. At the end of each module, participants had online conversations with leaders of the business community and government.
We are truly grateful to all the participants for the intellectual pleasure, uniqueness, and openness to change during the two months of Seminar! Congratulations on the graduation! Meet you at the Aspen Community!