
A public conversation with the Aspen community in Chernivtsi

On May 24 in Chernivtsi, a public sharing session between the representatives of the Aspen Institute Kyiv and local business leaders, municipal authorities, media, culture and public activists took place.

The invited speakers were: Yulia Tychkivska (Executive Director of Aspen Institute Kyiv), Andriy Kulakov (Head of the Aspen Fellowship in Chernivtsi), Sergii
Rogol, (Trustee of the Aspen Institute Kyiv, co-owner of the group of companies “ESTET”), Sergii Osachuk (historian, honorary consul of Austria in Chernivtsi), Oksana Prodan (Ukrainian politician, public figure, chairman of the All-Ukrainian Association of Small and Medium Business “Fortress”).

During the meeting, the speakers shared their vision of the value of dialogue as a method of building a good society, as a method for combining and creating coalitions around common goals. During the conversation, the publication of “Texts for reflection” – texts for the seminars of the Ukrainian Aspen Club, was presented.

Ініціатором зустрічі виступили представники Аспен-спільноти в Чернівцях та Українського Аспен Клубу. Також представники Аспен-спільноти взяли участь в ефірах місцевих медіа з розповіддю про Аспенівський метод діалогу і публікацію текстів.

The meeting was convened by the representatives of the Aspen Community in Chernivtsi and the Ukrainian Aspen Club. Representatives of the Aspen Community participated in the broadcasts of local media.

Video recording of the meeting can be viewed at this link >>
TV Program “Chernivtsi today” at this link >>

The next day, the seminar in the Aspen format, with the participation of local community leaders, was held. This is the second meeting in such format, for the first time, a similar seminar took place in Zhytomyr in February 2019.